Mick re-recorded ‘Scralet’ in 1976

The Rolling Stones debut long-lost track 'Scarlet' featuring Jimmy Page

In 1976, when Mick visited Rio de Janeiro, he made a different record of the song ‘Scarlet’ that was recently published in it’s 1974 version.

Thanks to Marcelo from [UC], who posted a link to a brazilian site, ‘Pop Fantasma‘, where that story is told. That later record from 1976 has not been released until today!

During his visit, Mick recorded that song on a Saturday afternoon with brazilian musicians in a recording studio in the Barra de Tijuca area of Rio. They played this song, and now, 44 years later, Dadi, who played bass duing these sessions, remembered that song when he heard it just lately…

As the article in Pop Fantasma is in Portuguese, you can read it at Stonesdata in english and get ore details and some nice stories around this … enjoy!