First date safe?

First date safe?

After many rumours, we now may have something more solid than before, although this still is not official…

… but according to the homepage of german Hotel Europäischer Hof in Munich,

The Rolling Stones will play the Olympiastadium in Munich on Saturday, July 12th, 2025!

Munich tabloid TZ seconds that …

… and has some nice anecdote to tell which I can’t resist to cite here:
The show in the Olympic Stadium would also mark an anniversary: ​​on September 14, 1965, 60 years ago, the Rolling Stones played in Munich for the first time as part of a “Bravo” tour – like their friends and competitors, the Beatles, in the Circus Krone. Incidentally, the government of Upper Bavaria levied entertainment tax of 14,158 marks on the organizer for the performance (reference number II/5-8623/56). It was officially decreed that this event was not a concert – because no music was being performed, only noise was being generated.
