Hi there, thank you for your attention and welcome to Stonesnews-Ads!
Advertisers: I ask you to help me with this here!
I want to optimize the way, ads are presented here at stonesnews.com. I feel, we can make it much better:
Less quantity, more qualitity!
=> So coming soon: book your ads right here at stonesnews.com!
In a nutshell: With the next 12 months, we can safely expect intensly excellarated traffic for this site: there will be the tour announcement, the ticket rush, the travel organisation of the fans, the shows will be monitored live as before and then there’s a second new album lurking!
I would like to reduce the ads over here in exchange for your own personal ads! Soon, you will be able to book your ads right here in a simple process. The ads will be sold on a flat rate per day so you will have no limits impression wise.