Recommended read: The Stones At SoFi / Santa Clara

Recommended read: The Stones At SoFi / Santa Clara

They are no longer selling danger.
They’re selling rock and roll. A lost art. If you want to experience it in its original form, go to see the Stones.

That’s how the recommended read starts and it’s a pleasure to read ahead. This was published at The Lefsetz Letter, yesterday and while slowly Santa Clara ome nearer, why not grab that text and have a fine read?

 => The Stones at SoFi

Oh and, btw, the song vote for Santa Clara is up with these fine songs to choose from:

  • Dead Flowers
  • Far Away Eyes
  • Let It Bleed
  • Sweet Virginia

Who’s opening that night at Levi’s Stadium? Well: The Beaches!

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More Information

Here’s some more on them from‘Girls can rock just as hard as the boys’: The Beaches on opening for the Stones and reinvigorating rock – All-female Toronto band merges classic rock influences with modern feminist lyrics […] At the time the members of The Beaches were born, the late 1990s, Mick Jagger was already a grandfather and the Rolling Stones were on their 23rd studio album. But when the Toronto band found out they were opening for The Stones during their June 29 concert, they could not have been more excited. […] “
