Woah: Tourbook ’72!!


In between the shows of this great Stones Tour, I got into contact with something really special by some really nice person! Let me tell you about this…

With beginning of this month, I came across Erwin Hoetjes book “Tourbook ’72”. After reading about this, I contacted him, ordered this sepcial book and I am deeply in awe before the amount of work and diligence, he had put into this project. He was working for 23 years on this!
Here’s what he wrote about Tourbook ’72:


Here it is, a 1,5 kilo manuscript full with 1972 STP Info, spread over 332 pages in 32 chapters. Now for the first time in its full glory. So far I have not been able to find a publisher yet. Most important is that I sincerely hope the Stones will do something valuable with their 1972 legacy. Especially now that for the first time they have released the complete live show from El Mocambo! They start to learn.
I made a few test prints. For those who might be interested please contact me privately for further details.

Erwin Hoetjes: Tourbook '72

I contacted him and asked for his permission to tell you about this and write a review. He was kind enough to agree. Now let me tell you some more about this: This book is wonderful, a real gem for anyone interested into The Rolling Stones and their history. It is literally PACKED with information and pictures. It will take quite some time to read through this! He added:

You get a 1425 gram book full with 1972 STP Info, spread over 332 pages in 32 chapters, covering each visit to each city. The shows are described, all Jaggers outings are scrutinized. All pictures are placed with the right show. It’s a manuscript about the greatest tour ever. Now for the first time in its full glory. Have been working 23 years on this project and have a number of dissapointing reactions from publishers. I decided to make some test prints.

If you are interested into getting your hands on one more of the few test prints, you just need to send him a note and you can clear all the details needed.

As Erwin only charges the postage, and you get the book for free I would humbly suggest that you add some little extra to the postage and packaging if you like – in apprechiation of his labour!

BTW, you can read his review of the Amsterdam show right here…

3 thoughts on “Woah: Tourbook ’72!!

  • June 17, 2024 at 12:51

    Ik ben wel geïnteresseerd

    • June 17, 2024 at 13:03

      Hi Roland!

      Yes, I can recomment this book – it is an impressive work! Please contact Erwin Hoetjes via the e-mail-link given in the lines above, ok?

  • August 31, 2022 at 23:33

    Well, I accepted this fabulous offer and received the 1972 tour book about a week ago. It is a remarkable piece of work with tremendous detail and countless photographs. It is a must for any Stones fan — and frankly, the Stones should pay the author his due and offer the book for sale themselves! This book is meant to be read in small bites … not only will the fine “meal” last longer, it is more enjoyable to read about the ‘72 tour one show, or one city at a time. Well done, Mr. Hoetjes. Future historians will be thanking you, as will future Rolling Stones fans that are not born yet.


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