Weather conditions in New Orleans

Well, a storm is threatening ...

Hi there, folks,

it has been serverely raining in New Orleans during the past day, streets have been flooded. By now, the situation is getting better, but the forecast predicts a tropical storm approaching the area. CNN reports:

The National Hurricane Center predicts that it will become Tropical Storm Barry by Thursday. It is then expected to strengthen to a hurricane by Saturday, when it likely makes landfall in Louisiana.

Here’s a look at its projected path:

Well, a storm is threatening ...
Well, a storm is threatening …

See lso the Washington Post: New Orleans just faced a flash flood emergency, and Barry could bring more severe flooding Saturday, testing levees

So if this situation stays that severe, the show on Sunday is in danger to be cancelled… but much more in danger are the people living in town, so let’s hope that we have already passed the worst things to come.