… where the boys go?

Lithograph - Rolling Stones Amsterdam 2022

Hi there, folks, it’s great to be back!

I just had some time off, some holidays and was busy relaxing, visiting the northern coast and spening my time reading and riding bike…

Now that the (fantastic, btw) tour is over, it’s about time to get beack on what’s happening all around the Stones world. There should be some news (see some interesting stuff below) as well as plans for this site, too:

First, What are Mick, Keith and Ronnie doing?

Second: What’s about the new (???!!?) album, new releases or even rumours about the next tour??

Third: There are still some reviews left I want to write

Forth: We’re heading towards the 5.000.000 visitors of stonesnews.com – and that a number I’m really looking forward to.

Fifth: it’s important to make yesterday’s papers much more easily accessible, I find. The first post here was in February 2019… so I want all these posts to be at hand with one or two clicks for you. I already have two or three solutions but I want them to look as nice and navigate as easily as possible. So give some more time and they’ll be on.

And here’s some of the news that caught my eye:

  1. I guess you already came across the name Matt Lee – he doesn’t miss any Stones show and he’s almost every time the first to post his semi-pro videos on YT!
    And here’s the Rolling Stone writing about him: “Meet the Rolling Stones Superfan Who’s Spent Millions on His Collection and Attends Every Single Show – Matt Lee got into the Rolling Stones as a 12-year-old kid. His obsession grew to the point that he’s now in the Guinness Book of World Records and counts Ron Wood as a good friend

  2. Then there are rumours about the Stones would do a show in Argentina next spring. But there’s doubt about this, coming from nationworldnews.com: “Reasons why the Rolling Stones won’t come to Argentina in March