Hackney Diamonds – what do we know?

Don't get angry!

Said it before and will say it again: if the Stones go guerilla marketing with this thing, I really dig it!

Meanwhile, some really bright heads from IORR checked the ASCAP website and hey, they found something interesting for us! ASCAP “is home to more than 930,000 music creator members across all genres – the greatest names in music, and thousands more in the early stages of their careers.”

And among them you will find ‘JAGGER MICHAEL PHILLIP’, ‘RICHARDS KEITH’ as well as Charlie and Ronnie, but producer ‘ANDREW WATT’, too, who was involved with the new album we all waited for for so long. And guess what: there are listed about 12 songtitles under Mick’s and Keith’s entries.

One of them is “Angry” – and remember the message after you registered at hackneydiamonds.com? It said “Don’t get angry, get it fixed!

Don't get angry!And ‘Angry’ is among the list of songs at ASCAP. So maybe, we’ll get Angry as the first single of the new album!?

And here is the list of those 12 song titles which could make up the new Rolling Stones album. Those marked are produced with Andrew Watt.

  1. Angry *
  2. Bite my Head Off
  3. Depending on You *
  4. Dreamy Skies
  5. Driving me Too Hard
  6. Get Close *
  7. Live by the Sword
  8. Mess it Up
  9. Morning Joe Cues
  10. Sweet Sounds of Heaven
  11. Tell me Straight
  12. Whole Wide World

If you are interested in one copy of the Hackney Gazette with the Stones ad, check out islingtongazette.co.uk and scroll down the article – there’s the info where you can call or mail and ask for a copy!